dilluns, 17 de febrer del 2014

2-History of a product

Hello my name's Jordi and today I'm going to talk about the history of ford. First I'm going to explain the beginnings of the company, after that I'm going to tell the ford expansions, finally I explain the company those days.

The beginning

Ford cars got their name because the founder was Henry Ford. Ford was founded in 1903, in Detroit (Michigan).  Ford was one of the first brands to produce luxury cars during the 20th century. Also produce cheaper cars like, Model A, so a lot of people could afford it.

The ford expansion

Cars became more popular during the 1960s and Ford was one of the best brands. Ford also invented the muscle cars, for example the Mustang. The mustang has a lot of rivals like: Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger… But any of these models have the same exit than the mustang.

Those days

These days, ford produce a lot of models like: Ka, Focus, Fiesta, Kuga, Mondeo, Mustang…Ford is a powerful motor company, is popular over the world. All the people have seen a Ford.


Did you use any resources? Yes, I use a power point, with some images.
 Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes because the power point I help me.

- Did you look at your audience most of the time? Yes, I look the audicence all the time, that I can.
- Did you read from your notes? I don't read.
- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? No, I don't

- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, I did 
- Did you use discourse markers to to make your ideas more clear? No, I didn't use any markers.
-Did you introduce interesting NEW information to your audience? Yes,  I introduce new information of Berlin.
- Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet, books..? No, I didn't
was your information more superficial or more detailed, and original? More superficial

- Did you check your grammar? Yes I check my grammar.
- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? I look at de dictionary.
- Did you use sentence linkers? No i didn't use that.
- Did you use  fillers? Yes I use.

- Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Yes I know, but someone was difficult.
- Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No I didn't check
- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? No, I didn't change my voice
-Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I think with a fluid continuum.
My final mark is: 7

1. A bit my pronunciation
2. I will look to the audience

The class presentations

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