dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014

11-Summary Gladiator

In AD 180, Maximus leads the Roman army to a decisive victory against the Germanic tribes. Marcos Aurelius is old and dies, although he has a son, Commodus, he asks Maximus to succeed him as a regent and turn Rome back to a republic. When the emperor speaks with Commodus and he explained the decision, Commodus decided to kill the emperor.
Commodus decided to kill Maximus wife and son. Maximus managed to escape his own execution, but he finds his wife and son dead. Maximus is taken to Zucchabar, where is sold to a man called Proximo, who uses him as a gladiator.
Maximus is forced to fight in local tournaments. When he fights in the Coliseum, he upset their opponents. He wins a lot of battles day by day and he showed how corrupt Commodous was. He inspired roman people to rediscover their values and hoping. These actions ended with a fight in the Coliseum between Commodus and Maximus. Finally, the miserable Commodus died on the hands of Maximus.
10 new words:
Leads: go before
Decisive: conclusive
Succeed: triumph
Regent: Acting like a monarch
Manage to escape: Try to escape
Execution: Killing
Upset: emotionally disturbed
Corrupt: who takes bribes.
Values: worth

Hoping: desire

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